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Webinar 17. October 19:00: Experiences and challenges using rebreather technology

Updated: Sep 20

Photo credit: Vegard Sandvik

Welcome to our next webinar in the Norwegian Baromedical Society on Thur Oct 17th 19:00 CET. Meeting information is provided in English due to the fact that English will be the language of the webinar (more on that below).

Rebreathers are used more and more commonly in recreational as well as military diving. They remain less used in conventional commercial diving, but have found their place as emergency breathing gas providers in deep saturation diving - replacing the traditional open-circuit bail-out bottles.

This webinar will focus on experiences and challenges using rebreather technology. We have invited three esteemed lecturers with experience across different user groups to share their knowledge:

  • Eivind Reite is a Royal Norwegian Navy MineCounterMeasures (MCM) diver, presently an instructor and MCM subject matter expert at the Norwegian Navy Diving Training Establishment.

  • Vegard Sandvik is a rebreather instructor, passionate technical diver and presently employed by the Norwegian Navy Diving Training Establishment.

  • Arne Sieber is Associate professor for biomedical sensor technologies, founder of Oxygen Scientific and the expert to listen to regarding present status and future expectations for rebreather sensors and control systems.

This is your chance to listen to the experts - grab it!

As always: We will provide you with the details of the Zoom link later on.


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